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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fact about Fever

Once in a while many of us suffer from fever. Usually, it is not at all scary to fall sick of fever, because it is the most commonly occurring condition in humans. No matter how much ever one is careful about his/her health; fever attacks are very common and almost inevitable in oscillating climatic conditions. At least 9 out of 10 would certainly think of PARACETOMOL to get rid of fever.
Although being in fever state is awful and gives that unpleasant state of feeling, it somehow takes us into unusual world where things go seemingly different than they go in routine.
There is nothing much one can do when hit by fever sickness. Brain becomes almost dumb to think of anything making us appear as a worldly patient. There are few facts that caught my attention when I fell sick in the recent times.
Parents take care of us more than ever in lifetime. They pay extra attention and over protection during sickness time. They behave as though they are in our service all the time.
At least five of our relatives or friends would know about our sickness where mother act as a broadcast media channel for sick-news.
Coconut water becomes a special beverage which of course has no preference as much as cool drink in non-sickness state.
Sleep becomes the only reliving job and when awake staring at walls becomes amusing task. At least five new things could be sighted in our own house which we hadn’t ever observed being healthy.
Detaching from bedside seems painful even for a visit to a doctor. At the doctor’s place, no body appears healthy. Everybody puts on a patient’s face to maintain the uniformity with actual patients.
Popping tablets a turns into habit after few spells, having meal becomes a hard routine, taking bath indeed not to mention would be skipped forever.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Pang that I own!

I see them all with hope and faith
None of them would ever think of my care
Felt I’m the only one guy, could love like mad
When I speak so deep, they tend to brush me off
Then I listened with gusto, yet left me like I’m bad
I never give a damn that I made up like a plan
It was before too long, Imagined like a gang
Enough of this bang, needed nothing of the pang
If I don’t get my song, I hum that I own; even if it turns me into wrong!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

When I'm so drained!

Going about self, thoughts pop you up of everything I gaze
Holding you not can I do, because you never gave me a chance to think I can do?
Behaved so odd, but I’m not too bad.
Call it pain; call it joy, had no faith yet it’s not really fair!
Hope goes in vain, understanding is ever all drained
Now I look restrained, that nothing could explain!
Grieved for the loss and heaved out what people name it as “pain”

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Guilt that made up my day

Half the day passed with sleep. Evening was supposedly a hang-out with friends. Climate seemed to be pleasant and supportive, maintaining relative temperatures for human conditions. All it had started off with smooth bike ride and chit chat with friends.  I gobbled over burgers and other snacks during bakery visit and can’t resist the mention of delicious cheese-burger that tasted like hell. I was drowned in full fun and joy. Hilarious gossips and discussions filled grace and excitement in attitude. All in all, I had fun altogether and started heading back home.
 On my half way I was halted by a stranger who carried some pleasing emotions. I had stopped my bike and gave an obvious look that appealed a question why the hell you stopped me?  He looked scrawny, worn on old clothes that looked hadn't been laundered for weeks. He spoke up with his intro in English that seemed to be fluent and flawless also sounded decent. His mention as MBA graduate startled me a bit not until he asked to do a small favor. I figured out he needs some help with money. However, when a stranger halts us midway and starts being polite and asks to do a small favor, he means beseeching for money in one way or the other. I figured out that much from my past encounters with several other strangers who started off with intro and ended up asking for small favor that meant money forever. Most of them mentioned they held PG degree but never been someone showed up as a MBA graduate. I also happened to hear the stories of drug addicts and alcoholics who have been acting smart to people and acquiring money through sympathy or touchy stories or by whatever that contributed them money. Those never-ending media crime stories had taken away all my trust in every stranger I bumped into.
I decided not to help the man and praised myself for not encouraging a druggie. Not that I was judicial about him, yet my instincts didn’t let me help that poor guy or perhaps a druggie by any chance. While he was making up his words to speak again I pulled off my bike rather rudely but I didn’t bother to concern his feelings. After all, I only saw a druggie out of him instead of human with heart. Suddenly, he seemed to sense my disbelief in him and spoke loud enough to reach me and clear enough to draw my attention. All he said was “I don’t want money sir! All I want is a roti to fill up stomach. Buy me a roti if you can.” I heard his words that faded away with my proceeding but they stung me all of a sudden. Either was it because of the delicacy in his request or the mention of word “roti” I felt rueful for not helping him. His words rang in my ears all through my way home. “I should have helped him” is what I had thought of all night. I remembered him with a pang of guilt for not helping him. As a whole, guilt made up my day!