Best things happen when we do the best things. Best love we get back when we love best. Best thoughts we get when we think best. But there is one best person we are gifted with though we’ve not done any best prayer. She is the miracle of miracles. “Mom” A wonderful word! Sound of that word itself makes us feel a cool and calm breeze of love and care. Where does anyone find ocean full of pure love? I would say it’s my mom, without a second thought. Our first struggle to learn to speak would be calling her mom. Our first close friend in this world would be mom. She is a friend, a trainer, a teacher, an adviser, a caretaker, a Well-wisher, what not she is? She is a magician who turns into our need. She sacrifices her own happiness for our betterment. She is a perfect angel who deserves true love and real care. But as we grow up, things will change in our way. Priorities get altered. Once in a while we will start ignoring people around us. Slowly priorities will alter more and more. Life becomes a mess with all sorts of evil thoughts. We learn to cheat, lie, break relationships, feel jealous of others, pride for achievements grows up, greed for money pitches high, love towards things grows more. We soon act like morons in our own world. People start hating us. World turns against us. But she still stands same, her love, her care for us remains same besides all our achievements and moronic changes. She has no change in time lapse. Her attitude towards us is irrelevant to time. She loves the same way she did ever since we came out onto this earth. No matter what we are today and what we are going to be tomorrow. Her love never fades down. A guaranteed love, for lifetime! How lucky to have her! She would be same as the one who played around with us, when we were cuddly babies. She would be same as one who worried about our health when we drenched in a rain play. She’ll be ever same. Ever and forever! Express our gratitude to her by loving her. But she is the one deserves it most. Mother, a true soul of love and care!
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